
Breathing New Life To Old Tanktops As Shopping Bags...

every now and then everyone has to clean out their closets, and edit them. I have a mound of old tank tops that i cant wear because either they are now too small (yes, i've gained weight) or streched out/splotched/etc. i couldnt donate them, because who wants a stretchouts splotchy tank top? i didnt feel right throwing them away, nor did i feel like they were in such condition to be cut up to be used as dishrags yet.
i was surfing apartment therapy & instructibles, with all their great ideas... and i decided to turn the tops into reuseable grocery bags. easy to do: the arm holes are ready to be used as handles, and all you really need to do is just to sew the bottom opening... so... TADAAAA! a have a stack to use when i go grocery shopping (reduce plastic useage!) and they also work as lunch & emergency bags. nifty!

well... once they are falling apart even more, maybe then ill use it as a dishrag...

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